Special Thanks
to our Sponsors:
Melissa and Clay Blum
Cheryl and Mike McWithey

Billy and Stacey Quinn

Join us for the 28th Annual Oakridge Golf Classic

Four Person Scramble

May 21, 2012

Shady Valley Golf Club

10:30 AM Registration
10:30 AM Driving Range Opens
Box Lunch
12:00 PM Shotgun Start
5:00 PM Ball Drop, Live Music, Dinner and Awards Ceremony

$150/person or $600/Team
Includes green fees, cart, driving range, course refreshments,
box lunch, dinner and awards party.

Entry deadline is Friday, May 11, 2012

The Oakridge Golf Classic, held each spring, helps raise the much needed funds for improvements and additions to athletic programs at The Oakridge School. Because of the success of our past tournaments, the Owl Booster Club has been able to make improvements to the baseball and basketball programs and support the Oakridge Athletic Complex campaign as well as The Oakridge School Endowment Fund. 

The tournament is a Four Person Scramble with various hole contests and prizes.  Driving range, carts, mulligans, lunch, raffles, prizes and an awards dinner are all part of this fun-filled day.  The success of this event is due in a large part to the people and companies
who sponsor
the event. We hope you will consider being a sponsor or a participant

For more information please contact Ryan and Matt Worthington, 2012 Golf Tournament Chairs, at
matt@worthingtontx.com ; ryan@worthingtontx.com  Phone: Matt 817.296.0862  Ryan 817.239.9811. Or, call The Oakridge School Development Office at (817) 451-4994 ext. 2768 or 2769.

Event Image

Make a Raffle

Affiliated Bank
Delores and Chris Buckalew
Enertrade, Inc.
Frontline Source Group
Mechanical Solutions
PlainsCapital Bank
Queenan Law Firm
Southern Painting
Spring Creek Barbeque 
Dr. Deborah Sullivan DDS, MS
Worthington Monuments